HANAKO is a cooperation network between Finland and Japan. Founded in 2007 with the financial support of the Finnish National Board of Education, it reached the implementation phase in 2010.
The purpose of HANAKO is to:
- develop and consolidate a work life and student oriented mutual multidisciplinary cooperation,
- model Kaizen philosophy for the development of a functional network LEAN house,
- create innovations for the development of teaching / learning practices, develop teaching materials,
- promoting Finnish and Japanese educational system, VET, work based training, organising HANAKO seminars
- enhance international mobility of students and experts both in Japan and Finland.
HANAKO has produced the following outcomes so far:
- Growing network. Cooperation agreements with Japanese VET institutions and employers.
- Two annual seminars in Finland. Hanako-seminars in Osaka.
- Flexible individual learning paths: recognition and validation the skills and competences acquired abroad (VET reform). International exchange, training in companies (work-based learning)
- Preparation materials and Web based coaching for students and experts who participate in the exchange. Materials include information package on Japan and its VET system, a guide to Japanese practices (manners, traveling, running errands etc.) and a Finnish-Japanese-English online picture dictionary. Web based coaching was launched in 2012. It takes place twice a year and deals with travel arrangements as well as customs and cultural issues from the Finnish and Japanese perspectives.
- New teaching and studying methods. Instruction material for teachers on alternative treatment methods for practical nurse education, cultural differences in visual communication for media studies etc. Digital courses (Digital story, Digital portfolio, LEAN).
- New study unit: Welfare technology (for social and health care).

LATEST in English

Sirje Hassinen
Espoon seudun
koulutuskuntayhtymä Omnia
InnoOmnia, PL 77710
02070 Espoon kaupunki