Four Finnish students from HANAKO Network, Aura Koponen, Emmi Mikkilä, Lauri Ståhlberg ja Teemu Heinonen, stayed for two months internship in Japan, Tokyo, at Worker Bee Inc. ( and created a new game in Google Play. Here you can find link to the game:

These students are from different colleges and from different towns. They met first time during their flight to Tokyo. Getting know each other’s, starting teamwork in new working environments in Japanese language has not only been a bed of roses but working hard with the project.

Life in Japan seems lot busier and working culture is way beyond Finnish style. Although they had an image and knew many facts about Japanese culture through watching anime, having Japanese friends, earlier visits and studying, it still dawned very soon that the actual Japanese working experience was very different indeed. There are very formal manners at a Japanese company and intensive co-working is the key to everything. As shy Finnish who take the time the time to get to know each others it really was a culture shock. The biggest challenge was Japanese language.

Please read more about their experiences: