Vuorenmäki daycare

Yutaka Komoto viihtyi hyvin suomalaislasten kanssa. Tässä hän askartelee Kirsikan kanssa.

Mr. Yutaka Komoto was very comfortable with Finnish children. Here he is playing with Kirsikka.

Media Play Could Work also in the Yume-Chuo Day-Care Centre

Media play and playground impressed Mr. Yutaka Komoto, vice-director of the Yume-Chuo day-care centre, who paid a one-week visit to the Vuorenmäki day-care centre in Kirkkonummi in November 2012.

Inspiring Play

Mr. Komoto hoped that media play could be introduced also to Yume-Chuo. “It was interesting to see how the children encouraged each other when they took photos of the plasticise world they had made. I believe that the media play would fit also to our day-care centre, even if the groups are larger and the daily activities carefully scheduled.”

Ms. Kirsi Kreutzman, director of the Vuorenmäki day-care centre and Ms. Kirsi Kokko, vice-director told that the media play is part of children’s art education. “Our day-care centre focuses on small group activities which promote participation. In the media play children also learn how to use media devices and how to communicate in a responsible way.”

Komoto drew attention to the communication skills of the youngest children. “Compared to Japan, much younger children were able to communicate in a constructive way. They helped each other in workshops and in the media play.”

Easy-going and Worry-free Outdoor Activities

Nature and environment are emphasized in the Vuorenmäki day-care centre established a year ago. Surrounded by a natural environment, it has a large playground, much admired by Mr. Komoto. “Our day-care centre in Osaka does not have a playground but only an open-air terrace on the roof. We take the children to parks to play and to get fresh air. Considering the large number of children in one group, this activity can be quite demanding”, Komoto told.

Lahjojen vaihto oli osa vierailun päätöspäivän ohjelmaa. Kuvassa vasemmalta varajohtaja Kirsi Kokko, ryhmäavustaja Maarit Taivassalo, päiväkodin johtaja Kirsi Kreutzman, varajohtaja Yutaka Komoto, lastenhoitaja Riitta Jahnsson ja lähihoitaja Noora Mikkonen.

Gifts were exchanged in the last day of Mr. Komoto’s visit. From left to right: Vice-director Kirsi Kokko, Group Assistant Maarit Taivassalo, Director Kirsi Kreutzman, Vice-director Yutaka Komoto, Nursemaid Riitta Jahnsson and Practical Nurse Noora Mikkonen.

The Japanese security oriented approach makes the organisation of outdoor activities especially challenging.

“Japanese parents want their children to be in the same condition in the evening when they pick up them as they were in the morning when they left them. No scratches, bruises or dirty clothes. Here, children play more freely and they are not so protected as in Japan,” Komoto stated.

Ms. Kokko explained, that parents are encouraged to dress their children in casual clothes. “Here, the children were casual clothes, which they are allowed to make dirty, whereas in Japan children are more formally dressed.”

Sharing Experiences through Skype

Mr. Komoto who visited Finland for the first time as an expert participating in the international exchange was very pleased with the experiences he gained, and hoped to get another opportunity to study the Finnish social care system. Also the staff of Vuorenmäki commended Komoto, especially on his skills with children.

Both Ms. Kreutzman and Ms. Kokko hoped to visit Japanese day-care centres. “For now, we will keep contact using Skype. We intend to get Skype cameras here and in Yume-Chuon. Also the children can maintain a contact with Yutaka through Skype. In the future, we would naturally like to visit Japan.”